School’s Aim
Gymnasium Vyškov prepares students mainly for their future studies at universities of all kinds. Majority of universities have introduced a bachelor degree program and a master degree program. Apart from that, graduates may continue their studies in one of the widely developed programs of specialized colleges. A smaller number of our graduates may find use in public sector and banking.
Both the four year and the eight year cycle are ended with a final exam – Maturita. There is no need for transition exams between the lower and the higher classes of the eight year cycle.
Moodle – an e-learning space, allowing students to use advanced tools as part of their effort, used as a means of sharing information and supporting study materials, is used during the courses. Access to the internet via any device with internet connection is yet another advantage that our students can make use of. Usage of e-learning methods as part of the lectures is a natural way of increasing our students‘ technical skills and knowledge.
Specialization on either humanities or sciences is carried out through obligatory optional subjects (see the Study Plan section) within the framework of both the eight year cycle (in the seventh year) and the four year cycle (third year).
Foreign Languages
Students of the eight year cycle choose the first (main) foreign language in the first year and the second foreign language in the third year of their studies. Students of the four year cycle choose two foreign languages in the first year of their studies. Those interested in a third foreign language may choose another foreign language (two lessons per week) in the first year of the four year cycle (fifth year of the eight year cycle) as an optional subject. Languages offered: English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Latin (third language only).
Computer Science
Students of the eight year cycle have an obligatory Computer Science lesson once a week from the first to the fourth year, increasing to two for the fifth and sixth year. Students of the four year cycle attend two Computer Science lessons per week during their first and second year. Lessons take place in the specialized classrooms in groups of up to maximum of 16 students.
Teaching takes place in two buildings: Komenského Square 16 – four year cycle and higher classes of the eight year cycle, and Purkyňova 39 – lower classes of the eight year cycle.